
I thought plastic surgery was much more recent. it’s been popular this last couple of years. People have been getting multiple. I couldn’t imagine going under the knife hundreds of years ago. I do think of plastic surgery as a type of art. The way they can reconstruct a person's face is true art. It takes great skill. The way medical machinery can show us these very advanced images of bones or muscles is art. Sports Medicine in New york Like Professor Vesna mentioned Technology has advanced so that we can see into the human body without cutting it open. Being an athlete I’ve has so many injuries in which I’ve had to get an MRI or X-ray. So, medical technology has been crucial to my athletic career. It has allowed the doctors to know what was wrong with me so that they can fix it quickly. There is technology now where an athlete can be completely hooked up and every movement they make can be seen on the computer so see how their body is mo...