
Showing posts from June, 2017

Study Guide

Final review. Desma 9 Event blog- descriptive subtitles to photos Relating the event to lectures giving specific examples Blog summary: 300-500 words june 9th 11:59 pm Can you summarize the core concepts of the class not a overview Looking at the patterns of the over theme of class How you have changed since being in the class Talking about what you got out of all the blog you made throughout the quarter. Compied blogs: you just copy and paste with the images Events at the end.   Go back through blog post and revise. It's an ungraded assignment but mandatory. And will be helpful to revise. Essay: June 11 11:59pm 1500-2000 words, double spaced 5-10 images 10 references, 20 in bibliography Links under the photos Put major on the paper References will be references in the order you referenced it in. Image sources should be posted at the very end of bibliography Google scholar Accepted material: books, articles, I plan on writing

Week 9 Space + Art

First, I would like to start off by saying that I loved the quote that was on the lecture title slide in the fire video that said "Eventually, everything connects." by Charles Eames. This was a great quote to close the quarter out on. I think we all came into this class trying to figure out how art and science were connected, but after all these weeks we can finally make the connection. Space is the great unknown. The more research we do the more questions we need to be answered.   Luckily for us, we have been able to develop more and more technology that can allow us to explore the great unknown. For instance Telescopes. Like mentioned in lecture  telescope is from Greek word tele "far" and skopein "to look or see".  Some telescopes are extremely powerful and can see microwaves. I liked that Professor was able to connect the last lecture about Nanotechnology into this lecture about space with the buckyballs. A buckyball a sphere like molecule it is a ca

Event blog. Chemical Entanglements: Gender and Exposure

Me at the Event I went to the Chemical Entanglement event after practice which was really challenging because I was tired. The event didn't start on time which was slightly upsetting because I ran there just to be on time. I also tried extremely hard not to wear any fragrances all day, which is definitely not easy because after you have to spray something on if you can't shower. Brochures  handed out when first arriving.  This was one of my less favorite events. There would be people just come up and start speaking about what they do or on working on and it kind of went right over my head. So it was hard to follow. So every now and then I would catch myself falling asleep. But it wasn't all bad it had some really good moments.  Like mentioned before there were several speakers that went up and talked to us. David Crew was one of the speakers he worked with Epigenetics.  Epigenetics is the study of potentially heritable changes in gene expression. talked to u